Write For Us

Write for us and become a contributor at QuoteWishes.com

Here are a few reasons why you should share your voice with our community.

1. Impact The World In A Positive Way

Our website is dedicated to helping people live healthier, happier and more fulfilled. Contribute your motivational guest post and help the world!

2. Global Exposure

Once your article/blog post has been approved, we will make sure it is promoted via social media (10,000+ followers) and your article contribution will also be displayed prominently on our website for additional exposure.

3. Leave Your Mark & Grow Your Portfolio

Guest posting on QuoteWishes.com allows you to leave your mark on the world, build your writing portfolio.

Guest Post Opportunity Guidelines:

  • Recommended article length – 600-1200 words (longer articles have a higher approval rate).
  • The topic must be related to self improvement, success, entrepreneurship, career advice, motivational quotes, leadership, startups, business. All articles must focus on improving people’s lives.
  • Provide original content (we check).
  • Make your article useful, and we prefer for it to be targeted at a keyword (something people are actively searching for online). Articles that are too generic are generally rejected.
  • Once published, please promote your article on social media to help us spread the positive message!

Submit the following to wishesquote@gmail.com

  1. Your guest post topic ideas
  2. examples of your prior published articles online
  3. the website/websites you are writing for/planning on linking out to (be honest)

We’ll respond within 48 hours if all three points are covered in your pitch.